In a small, sleepy town in North Carolina, thirteen-year-old Jake Winston has discovered he carries a unique genetic trait; one that a covert government agency will stop at nothing to obtain. After the tragic death of his father, a local firefighting hero, Jake’s absent grandfather returns and sends him on a journey into the gated forest at the edge of town, bringing Jake face-to-face with a family of ancient dragons thought long extinct.
Determined to grasp the power of the blood flowing through Jake’s veins, the agent from the secret ONX facility begins killing every dragon in his path. This forces Jake in the middle of a battle between the government and the dragons of Asheville, where the true potential of his power is revealed.
About the Author
Brian Kacica lives in the perilous hills of San Diego, fending off coyotes, tarantulas, bobcats, and rattle snakes with his beautiful, valiant wife, three courageous children, and chubby chocolate Lab, whose plump legs are routinely a chew toy for her spunky Boxer sidekick. JDA is his debut novel.
Marc just recently finished a great summertime book titled Jake & the Dragons of Asheville. I must admit that he started off a bit skeptical considering he thought it was going to be just another children’s story about dragons. A genre which has been well worn in literature and movies over the past few years. However, he was pleasantly surprised by this author, Brian Kacica, and that his stereo type and premature skepticism were unfounded. We both like being wrong about books and enjoy finding a story that has a refreshing and completely different story line than expected. Jake & the Dragons of Asheville is not your stereotypical all flash and no substance Hollywood dragon tale. This book, which I would recommend for children thirteen and up, is very inventive and never predictable.
Thanks to this talented writer Marc was immersed in this entirely different, environmentally complex, yet easy to follow imaginative story. The believability of the characters and environment is in part thanks to the overall structure and work that into creating a flawless read. Proofing and editing of this story are immaculate throughout. The cover art was found to be a bit predictable until he read the pages within. Where I found my favorite character, Bussy, who kept me laughing. A chubby unappreciated kid with extreme computer skill in programming, hacking, and electronic mods of all types. The kid who is never afraid of failing and eventually succeeds. He also enjoyed the men in black and their conspiratory way. And of course, he liked the drones and the clandestine facility in the woods. Just out of sight from curious locals view. Thank you for appealing to the young adventurous boy within him.
Sound like an exciting read that you or Read Jake & the Dragons of Asheville by Brian Kacica for FREE with Kindle Unlimited. You can also order this Children’s Fantasy title in eBook or Paperback format.
Cathy Jarolin says
I would love to read Jake & the Dragons of Asheville sounds like a very good and intense Book. My 15 yr old Grandson Jake lol! would love this book too! I want to know what power Jake has in this book.. Also I look forward to seeing the Dragons. Thank You for this awesome Review!! I Enjoyed it…
PaulaMS says
If I told you what power this dragon whisperer had, I might have to slay you. ?