The coronavirus outbreak has had an effect on almost every industry, and while brick-and-mortar stores may have felt more of a strain, online businesses have had to change policies as well. If you are operating an online business like smokingthings does, these easy tips can help you keep your business going during COVID-19. While it is important to maintain all safety guidelines set forth by local and national agencies, there are a few key things you can do to stay afloat during this time.
Let Customers Know About Your Safety Measures
Consumers are concerned about getting products from anywhere at this time, as reports have come out that the virus can live on inanimate surfaces. However, there are some things that customers still need, so it is important that you follow any safety measures possible to keep your business going. Disinfect all surfaces on a regular basis, and encourage employees to use hand sanitizer or wash their hands. You should make customers aware of the measures that you are taking to keep them safe. You can do this by sending out a mass email and having a banner posted on your website. Make an inbox where customers can bring forward any concerns during this time.
Prepare Customers for Longer Shipping Times
Because so many industries are shut down, customers must be prepared for longer shipping times. While you can do everything possible to stay on a reasonable timeline, delays in materials shipping to you can affect how quickly you can process orders. Make sure that clients are aware that you are doing everything to get products out on time, and ask for their patience during this difficult time for everyone involved.
Encourage Employees To Stay Safe and Healthy
Your business will suffer if employees continue to come to work when they are sick. They can potentially infect other workers and cause a chain reaction of employees having to be away from the facility. This could lead to a complete shutdown for weeks at a time. Therefore, you must have a strict sick policy in place during this time. Tell all employees if they have any symptoms to stay home and follow directions given by a physician.
While this can be a scary time for personal and financial health, panic will not solve any problems. By following a few smart steps, your business can come out on the other side of the COVID-19 outbreak.