Blueprints For A Better World
and an introduction to FAIR LAISSEZ FAIRE ECONOMICS
About the book:
There have been many other books and editorials written about legitimate complaints about the disastrous direction that our world is on. However, BLUEPRINTS FOR A BETTER WORLD does far more than just to address the major issues which plague the world – instead, this book provides SIMPLE, YET VERY EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS.
I’m an economist, and I’ve developed a brand new economic system. I call it, “FAIR LAISSEZ FAIRE ECONOMICS.” It certainly isn’t anything like Communism, nor is it Socialism, but instead, it shows how CAPITALISM WAS MEANT TO WORK.
Additionally, I’ve devised plans to curb our never-ending population growth, eliminate virtually all criminal activity, achieve World Peace, fix our corrupt government, and build the moral fiber of today’s youth (without preaching any religious sermons). It’s also high time to stop the infamous Illuminati from controlling the world – the world they perceive as belonging to them, exclusively – and it can be done with one very simple, peaceful change.
You may scoff at my claims, but you’ll feel very differently if take the time to read this world-changing book.
This book is intended for people who are very concerned about the future for all mankind.
About the Author:
My name is Markus Fredericks, and I AM A MAN ON A MISSION… I have a BA in Economics from the University of Washington (Phi Beta Kappa), but I’m better known as an author of wild, action-packed novels in a wide variety of genres (please visit my website at – thanks!). The ideology of this book potentially will revolutionize the world. ‘Just give me the ball, and let me run with it’… The quality of life on our planet Earth is in a tailspin to certain disaster, and I have specific plans to redirect the path that we are presently on.
Wanna Buy Some Kevlar?
My Review of Blue Prints For A Better World:
If you’re the kind of reader that enjoys controversial, in your face books I just finished one the epitomizes this style. This wild read titled, Blueprints For A Better World and an introduction to FAIR LAISSEZ FAIRE ECONOMICS is written by Markus Fredericks, a man with some crazy fortitude. This in-depth and somewhat shocking book is as titled a detailed step-by-step plan that approaches every topic of man’s societal incompetence and pending demise. Wow! After reading this book, I see why the author receives such vehement responses to his deep musings. In this book, he covers everything from artificial intelligence to birth control. I must say, shock value is paramount, as each topic is identified, criticized, and vilified with the tyrannical sincerity of an obviously intelligent observer.
Some topics like declassification of Top Secret UFO file, I strongly agree with and concur, stop lying to the public!? Although the subject of religious doctrine should be avoided, You can’t pack a big enough lunch! Always remember when in doubt leave it out, neophyte. However, I believe you’re absolutely right on the prognosis for our worldwide situation. Conditions will continue to regress unless major changes are initiated. Helen Keller can see that! I found this book sometimes enlightening and definitely entertaining. Though, I must mention that the structure, proofreading, and editing in this book are spotless and thorough, only enhancing the shock value within. May I suggest decaf coffee and two scoops of focus? Isolate one frustration at a time and create a plan for change. The cover art suggests harmony and peace. Ironically opposing the contents within which is cool. In summation, whether you agree with the author or not, your thought process will engage in a whole new way. I would give this read three and a half on a scale of one to five.
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